IRON is a nutrient that plays many important roles in your body , including keeping you healthy and full of energy.


IRON is one of the essential trace elements and , along with vitamin B12 , contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells . As a component of the red blood pigment haemoglobin , which binds oxygen , iron contributes to the transport of oxygen in the body . You can get iron from food and from supplements . If you don’t have enough iron , you may develop anemia , a low level of red blood cells .


Low IRON levels are common , and they can cause unpleasant symptoms like tiredness , poor concentration , and frequent bouts of illness . However , iron deficiency is not always easy to spot , especially in its early stages .


IRON supplements are a great way to reverse a deficiency , especially if diet changes alone are unsuccessful .


infant 3-6 months : 0.5ml

infant 7 – 12 : 1ml

children 1-4 years : 2-4ml

Consult with your physician before using any supplements .



Shake well . Refrigerate after opening . May be mixed with juice for best taste . Settling is normal . Protect from heat , light , and moisture . As with any natural product , color and taste may vary .


Store below 25 ° C in a dry place , out of sight and reach of children .